Expedite settlements with accurate,
realtime inventory capture
ListAssist™ is a realtime transcription service targeted to your policyholders that makes the inventory capture process quick and easy for both you and your insureds
We do all the legwork for you – as your insured moves through the home while describing lost items on the phone, an enservio rep guides them every step of the way in creating a list of their non-restorable contents
You get a comprehensive electronic inventory summary delivered to you shortly after the insured’s session
Call us at 888.567.7557 to assign your insured to a ListAssist specialist
Our contents specialist will contact your insured to schedule a convenient date and time to begin compiling the inventory
Once the inventory is complete we can deliver it back to you to assign values or you can choose to have our team of valuation specialists assign accurate values to the inventory and deliver the electronic valuation report to you to settle the claim
Makes it easy for your insureds to construct complete and accurate inventories during a difficult time
Expedites the process of getting your insured’s life back in order after a loss
Increases customer satisfaction by giving your insureds more visibility into the contents process
Ensures all necessary “price driving data” is obtained for the most accurate inventories
Speeds cycle times by offloading the contents inventory capture to a knowledgeable partner
Removes contents from your plate, freeing you to focus on the customer experience